Cosmetica Natural Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Jabones Naturales Estepona Jabón Ecológico -TALLER DE INTRODUCCIÓN A LA COSMÉTICA NATURAL -CURSOS Y TALLERES AVANZADOS EN ELABORACIÓN DE JABONES Y COSMÉTICA NATURAL EN MÁLAGA. APRENDE A ELABORAR TUS PROPIOS COSMÉTICOS 100% NATURALES. PRECIO: 59€ POR PERSONA, DURACIÓN: 4 HORAS, DE 10:00 A 14:00h O DE 16:00 A 20:00h LUGAR: PROVINCIA DE MÁLAGA. PARA IR A DOMICILIO EN LA PROVINCIA DE MÁLAGA O CÁDIZ MÍNIMO GRUPOS DE 5 PERSONAS. INCLUYE: DOSIER CON RECETAS Y TEMARIO DADO, LISTADO DE TÓXICOS A EVITAR. EL ALUMNO SE LLEVA A CASA LOS PRODUCTOS QUE ELABOREMOS: UN LABIAL DE KARITÉ Y NARANJA, UNA HIDRATANTE FACIAL, ALCOHOL DE ROMERO, UNGÜENTO PARA PIES Y MANOS AGRIETADOS, ACEITE DE CALÉNDULA MACERADA, JABÓN DE GLICERINA ECOLÓGICO Y COLONIA DE LAVANDA EL TALLER SE DIVIDIRÁ EN UNA PARTE DE TEORÍA DEDICADA A QUE CONOZCAS QUE ES LA COSMÉTICA NATURAL, LOS TÓXICOS DEL MERCADO, LOS ACEITES, EL FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA PIEL...Y EN OTRA PRÁCTICA EN LA QUE ELABORAREMOS LOS PRODUCTOS QUE SE LLEVA EL ALUMNO. INFORMACIÓN Y RESERVAS: TELEFONO 684 364 764 Instagram: arrebolaeloisa !!!!!SIENTE LA MAGIA DE CREAR CON TUS MANOS¡¡¡ *EN OTROS TALLERES Y CURSOS ELABORAREMOS OTRO TIPO DE PRODUCTOS DE COSMÉTICA NATURAL QUE PODRÁN VARIAR TANTO EN DURACIÓN COMO EN COMPOSICIÓN. TAMBIÉN HACEMOS PRECIOS ESPECIALES Y DESCUENTOS PARA GRUPOS Y ASOCIACIONES SEGÚN EL NÚMERO DE ASISTENTES. Talleres de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cursos de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Talleres de Cosmética Natural Instagram Talleres de Cosmética Natural Facebook Cursos de Cosmética Natural Twitter Cursos de Cosmética Natural Youtube Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Estepona Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Cursos Cosmética Ecológica en Málaga Talleres Cosmética Ecológica en Málaga Costa del Sol Cosmética Natural Talleres Cosmética Natural en Estepona Talleres Cosmética Natural en Marbella Talleres Cosmética Natural en Málaga Estepona Cosmética Natural Marbella Cosmética Natural Málaga Cosmética Natural Ecological Cosmetic Class Estepona Cosmética Natural Marbella Ecological Cosmetics practical workshop Estepona Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabón Aceite de Oliva Málaga Taller Jabones Aceite Oliva Málaga Talleres Jabones Ecológicos Málaga Taller Jabones Naturales Estepona Taller de Jabones Naturales en Marbella Talleres Jabón Natural Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Cosmética Natural Estepona Marbella Cosmética Natural Málaga Málaga Cosmética Natural Estepona Málaga Cosmética Natural Marbella Talleres Cosmética Artesanal Marbella Talleres Cosmética Artesanal Málaga Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Estepona Cursos Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Cosmética Ecológica Málaga Talleres Cosmética Natural Costa del Sol Cursos Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cursos Cosmética Natural Estepona Cursos Cosmética Natural Marbella Málaga Cosmética Natural Cosmética Natural Tita Claudia Costa del Sol Jabón Natural Cursos Jabones Artesanos Marbella Jabón Artesano Estepona Talleres Jabones Artesanos Málaga Jabón Ecológico Costa del Sol Jabón Ecológico Estepona Cursos Jabón Ecológico Marbella Jabón Ecológico Málaga Jabón Natural Costa del Sol Jabón Natural en Málaga Jabón Natural Estepona Marbella Jabón Natural Taller Jabón Natural Marbella Curso Jabón Natural Málaga Málaga Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabón Natural Tita Claudia Cosmética Natural Clases de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cosmética Artesana Estepona Clases de Cosmética Artesanal en Málaga Clases de Cosmética Ecológica en Marbella Clases Cosmética Ecológica Málaga Clases Cosmética Natural Estepona Taller Cosmética Natural Marbella Taller Cosmética Natural en Málaga Costa del Sol Cosmética Natural Talleres Cosmética Natural Estepona Estepona Jabones Ecológicos Talleres Jabones Naturales Estepona Jabones Artesanos Marbella Jabones Artesanos Málaga Jabón Artesano Málaga Jabón Ecológico Málaga Jabón Natural Estepona Jabón Natural Marbella Taller práctico Jabón Natural Málaga Marbella Cosmética Natural Marbella Jabones Ecológicos Marbella Jabones Naturales Málaga Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabones Naturales Málaga Jabón Ecológico

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

Si usas estos 5 condimentos naturales te librara del dolor de rodilla al 100%

Si usas estos 5 condimentos naturales te librara del dolor de rodilla al 100%

Si usas estos 5 condimentos naturales te librara del dolor de rodilla al 100%. Suscribete Al Canal AQUÍ ➜ Suscribete ✔ Comparte ✔ Comenta ✔ Taller de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Taller de Jabones Naturales en Málaga
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Benefits of Good Posture

Benefits of Good Posture

From our pain levels to our self-confidence, our posture impacts more than we think. Putting in the effort to improve your posture has huge payoffs.
But what is good posture really?
Good posture is also known as neutral spine. When we have good posture, the muscles surrounding the spine are balanced and supporting the body equally.
Here’s a quick posture check-in: When sitting, your feet should rest flat on the floor, with even weight on both hips. Your back should be mostly straight. Your shoulders should be back but relaxed and your ears should line up over your collarbones.
When standing, your legs should have a slight knee bend so you're not hyperextending or locking your knee joints.
Here are 9 benefits of good posture.
1.Reduced low back pain
Sitting or standing in a slouched position for prolonged periods of time stresses your lower back. More specifically, it puts pressure on the posterior structures of the spine, including the intervertebral discs, facet points, ligaments, and muscles
2.Fewer headaches
Poor posture can contribute to tension headaches, due to increased muscle tension in the back of the neck. Often if we correct our posture, we can reduce muscle tension and improve our headaches.
3.Increased energy levels
When your bones and joints are in correct alignment, it allows the muscles to be used as they’re intended, so you’ll have less fatigue and more energy. In other words, the muscles don't have to work so hard to do what they’re supposed to do.
4.Less tension in your shoulders and neck
A forward head posture puts strain on the upper back, shoulder, and neck areas. With proper alignment, the joints and ligaments are less stressed and less subject to chronic overuse, 
5.Decreased risk of abnormal wearing of the joint surfaces
Crooked sitting and standing, such as resting on one leg or side of your body, leads to hip strain. Your joints wear down naturally over time. If your posture is even, not many problems arise. But if you’re uneven, more pain and issues tend to occur.
6.Increased lung capacity
If you’re slouching, you’re compressing your lungs. If you’re sitting and standing taller, your lungs have more space to expand.” In other words, good posture improves your breathing.
7.Improved circulation and digestion If you’re compressing vital organs, your circulation is poor, and those organs aren’t going to work as well. Healthy blood flow requires proper alignment and avoiding positions which cramp circulation, like crossing your legs.
8.Improved core and scapular strength
Muscular effort is required to maintain good posture. If you’re holding a good posture, your core and upper back muscles will remain active and engaged. 9.Increased self-confidence
Not only can good posture boost your energy levels and reduce your pain, it can also increase your self-esteem. One 2009 study says good posture gives you more confidence in your own thoughts. Cursos Cosmética Natural Málaga Talleres Jabones Naturales Málaga
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AGENDA HERBAL 2020. Ayúdame con el crowdfunding.

AGENDA HERBAL 2020. Ayúdame con el crowdfunding.

Agenda herbal 2020 (crowdfunding): 🏡 BATCH SIN TÓXICOS: 🍀 ALQUIMIA HERBAL: 🥄 BOTIQUÍN EN TU COCINA: 🤰 RECETAS NATURALES PARA TU EMBARAZO: Cursos de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Talleres Cosmética Natural en Málaga
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Why Rosehip Oil Is Amazing For Your Skin

Why Rosehip Oil Is Amazing For Your Skin

Have you ever heard of rosehip oil? Did you know that this oil is frequently used in skincare? It is highly recommended for dry and rough skin because it is rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, and vitamin A, all of which regenerate the skin. With many qualities, rosehip oil can reduce wrinkles, acne, and scars. It is also able to strengthen collagen and elastine, which firms up the skin, and is also responsible for nurturing it. See 8 amazing reasons to use rosehip oil on your skin: Reduces old scars and stretchmarks; Treats burns; Heals sutures; Attenuates ulcers and rashes; Alleviates psoriasis and dermatoses; Moisturizes the skin; Prevents premature aging of skin; Soothes and conceals wrinkles and expression lines. Now that you know 8 reasons to use rosehip oil, what about learning how to make your own oil at home? Are you enjoying this video? Give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends. It helps our channel a lot! Write down the ingredients 1.23 ounces of rosehip seeds; Almond oil; 1 glass container with lid and 1 pipette. To make your oil, start by removing the sides of the seeds with a knife. After this, cut seeds in half. Then, put seeds in the glass container and add enough almond oil to cover them. Close the glass and let it rest for 20 days. After this period, strain the oil and transfer it to a container with a pipette. Now your rosehip oil is ready! It is recommended applying a few drops on your skin 1 or 2 times a day, on the desired area. ---------------------------------------- For more information and references, check the article on our blog: Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Talleres Cosmética Natural Málaga Cursos Jabones Naturales Málaga
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miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

Get Quick Neck Pain Relief By Massaging These Pressure Points

Get Quick Neck Pain Relief By Massaging These Pressure Points

Feeling pain is an unpleasant experience, usually associated with a lesion, tension, or emotional affliction. One of the most common complaints is neck pain. In some cases, this pain may turn into a chronic pain, which can leave the person with movement restrictions or functional limitations, negatively affecting their life quality. Many people turn to conventional analgesics to alleviate their pains. However, these medicines may cause dependence and serious side-effects in the long run. But, for these cases, there is an ancient treatment technique that can be very helpful. We are talking about acupressure. Have you ever heard about it? Acupressure, originally from Asia, has been used for more than 5,000 years to treat pains and other imbalances of the body. It uses either fingers or personalized tools to exert a gentle, rhythmic pressure in key-points of the body, known as acupressure points. Exerting pressure on these points, which store energy, naturally stimulates our body's auto-healing. This treatment can be used to reduce pain, boost the immune system, alleviate tensions, and promote blood circulation. But, before we talk about how acupressure can help you, let's learn about the causes of neck pain. These pains usually result from neck movements, or for keeping your neck in the same position for too long. There are also other factors that can contribute to neck pain, such as: Increased stress; Sleeping positions; Wry neck; Tension caused by excessive efforts of the neck; Learn now about the 3 acupressure points that can alleviate your neck pains. If you have already done it, tell us your experiences in the comments below. ---------------------------------------- For more information and references, check the article on our blog: Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Talleres Cosmética Natural Málaga Cursos Jabones Naturales Málaga
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sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019



remedios para hacer crecer las uñas - como hacer crecer las uñas | remedios para hacer crecer las uñas . como hacer crecer las uñas rapido y fuertes en un dia. secretos para hacer endurecer y hacer crecer las uñas. el ajo es muy bueno para hacer crecer las uñas igual que el cabello. pero… no es el caso de muchas chicas la mayoría de las mujeres vivimos buscando remedios efectivos para hacer crecer nuestras pestañas de manera natural ya que con la edad genética o simplemente mala suerte nuestras pestañas son prácticamente inexistentes o se caen con facilidad así que frecuentemente fracasamos en dicha búsqueda.. en este vídeo encontrarás los mejores remedios caseros para endurecer y hacer crecer las uñas naturalmente.. cómo hacer crecer las uñas con remedios caseros.
¿lista para hacer crecer tu uñas 5 cm en 10 días? Taller de Cosmética Natural Taller de Cosmética Natural en Málaga
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jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

Can a Glass of Wine Benefit Your Health?

Can a Glass of Wine Benefit Your Health?

People have been drinking wine for thousands of years, and the benefits of doing so have been well documented.
Emerging research continues to suggest that drinking wine in moderation, about a glass per day offers several benefits.
This video explains everything you need to know about the health benefits of drinking wine, which type is healthiest, and its potential downsides.
1.Rich in antioxidants
There are many antioxidant-rich foods and beverages, and wine is one of them.
Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cellular damage caused by inflammation and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules called free radicals, which can damage your cells.
Grapes have high levels of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
Because red wine grapes are higher in antioxidants than white grape varieties, drinking red wine may increase your blood antioxidant levels to a greater extent than drinking white wine.
Higher antioxidant status is associated with a decreased risk of disease. For example, drinking red wine has been associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, which are associated with oxidative stress. 2.May help combat inflammation
Wine contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Chronic inflammation is harmful and may increase the risk of conditions such as heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and certain cancers. Therefore, it’s best to prevent this type of inflammation as much as possible. Chronic inflammation can be reduced through diet, stress reduction, and exercise.
Many foods have the power to reduce inflammation, and wine is thought to be one of them. Studies suggest that a compound called resveratrol in wine has anti-inflammatory properties and may benefit health. 3.May benefit heart health
Studies show that individuals who consume moderate amounts of wine have reduced rates of heart disease.
Researchers believe that red wine’s high concentration of polyphenol antioxidants can help reduce your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic diseases.
Some research suggests that drinking red wine may reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.
However, excessive alcohol consumption may have negative effects on heart health, including increased blood pressure and a higher risk of developing heart disease.  4.May benefit mental health. 
An occasional glass of wine may reduce the risk of depression. However, excessive drinking can have the opposite effect, putting you at a higher risk of this condition.
5.May promote longevity. 
Studies have found that drinking moderate amounts of wine as part of a healthy diet may increase longevity thanks to wine’s high antioxidant content.
6.May promote healthy gut bacteria.
Recent studies have even suggested that red wine may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve metabolic syndrome markers in people with obesity.
It’s important to remember that drinking wine is not healthy for everyone, nor is it necessary. You can reap the same benefits by consuming a healthy diet. Cursos Cosmética Natural Málaga Talleres Jabones Naturales Málaga
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martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

This Plant Can Replace Meat And Has Many Health Benefits

This Plant Can Replace Meat And Has Many Health Benefits

Many people haven't heard about it yet. But it is something very common and easy to find in sidewalks, yards, and empty lots. Barbados gooseberry has edible leaves, with high amounts of protein, iron, and other nutrients. From the cactea family, Pereskia aculeata is native from the American continent, and is distributed from the south of the United States down to Argentina, and also found in the Caribbean. This shrub is known by many names: Barbados gooseberry, blade-apple cactus, leaf cactus, rose cactus, lemonvine, or ora-pro-nobis. Can you believe that in 3,5 oz of its leaves, approximately 20% of it is protein? For this reason, it is highly recommended for vegans and vegetarians. It can be found as capsules or food supplements. Free of saturated fats, which are found in meat, Barbados gooseberry offers many other benefits to our health. Want to know what they are? Now that you know all of its benefits, let's learn how to make Barbados gooseberry! The edible part of this plant are its leaves, and it's extremely simple to prepare it. Clean very well the leaves, especially if you found them in an empty lot or sidewalk. Besides eating the leaves, you can also make a Barbados gooseberry tea! Put 5 leaves in 10 fl oz. of boiling water, and let it boil for 10 more minutes. Turn off the heat and let it cool down. As we saw, the benefits of Barbados Gooseberry are many and it is worth it to have this plant close to you. Your health will thank you! ---------------------------------------- For more information and references, check the article on our blog: Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Talleres Cosmética Natural Málaga Cursos Jabones Naturales Málaga
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domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

Oh Dios! Nunca imaginé que comer aguacate Podría reducir el colesterol, úlceras intestinales y mas

Oh Dios! Nunca imaginé que comer aguacate Podría reducir el colesterol, úlceras intestinales y mas

Oh Dios! Nunca imaginé que comer aguacate Podría reducir el colesterol, úlceras intestinales y mas Suscribete Al Canal AQUÍ ➜ Los consejos de Salud Natural Para Todos son sólo para fines informativos y educativos. Salud Natural Para Todos no es un sustituto de consejos médicos profesionales, de diagnósticos o de tratamientos. Siempre consulta a tu médico con cualquier pregunta que puedas tener sobre una condición médica. #BeneficiosDelAguacate Recuerda! la salud esta primero disfruta la buena salud y vive la buena vida!!! Suscribete ✔ Comparte ✔ Comenta ✔ Síguenos en las redes sociales: DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: La información de este canal no sustituye al diagnóstico personalizado de un especialista en salud, ni a su tratamiento. Nunca deje de consultar a su médico para la supervisión de cualquier enfermedad, es el médico quien tiene la autoridad en materia de salud; este canal tiene un propósito exclusivamente educativo y para compartir experiencias personales con el deber y con el fin de intercambiar información. Taller de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Taller de Jabones Naturales en Málaga
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miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

5 Perennial Herbs You Can Plant Once & Enjoy For Years

5 Perennial Herbs You Can Plant Once & Enjoy For Years

Perennial herbs are an excellent way to keep up your supply of fresh herbs without having to spend tons of money and time cultivating new plants every season. With proper care and cultivation, these ten hassle-free herbs will flourish for years to come. 1.Cilantro
Plant cilantro in full sun in well-drained, moist soil. You want to make sure to maximize foliage growth so pinch about an inch off the top of your young cilantro plants to prevent bolting and premature seed development. Throughout the growing season, snip the new growth from the top of the plant and use right away. fresh cilantro is wonderful in many types of salsa. Try making mango salsa to mix things up a little.
Place a few stems of cilantro in your bottle of olive oil to create a delicious infusion for meats or salads. 2.Mint
There are many varieties of mint so it is important to do your research and choose the one that sounds most appealing for your garden and your taste buds. This is a vigorous perennial and will often spread to fill any available space. Consider planting in a container or a separate herb garden to contain its growth. 
• Mint is incredibly versatile and can be added to just about any sweet or savory dish for a unique flavor boost.
• Use in tea or freeze in ice cubes for a refreshing drink.
• Add to salads with a light vinaigrette dressing. 3.Thyme
As with most herbs, less is more when it comes to caring for thyme. It thrives in hot conditions with full sun and all it needs is thorough watering when the soil is dry to flourish.
Thyme sprigs can be harvested and used fresh just before the plant flowers or anytime throughout the growing season.
Regular pruning encourages more growth and a rounded shape. Leave at least 5 inches of growth after a mass harvest. 
• Thyme pairs extremely well with mushrooms, eggplant, tomatoes, fish, chicken, and roast potatoes in various savory dishes. 4.Sage
Sage is most successful when sown from a young plant in full sun with well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist but don’t allow water to sit. Prune back the thick, woody stems every spring to increase production and flavor.
Sage brings great flavor to any meat dish, especially poultry.  5.Rosemary
Rosemary is incredibly hardy but does best in well-drained, sandy soil in full sun. Make sure that you give your rosemary plants lots of room to spread their roots as they will quickly grow to be about 4’ tall and 4’ wide. Prune regularly and water deeply but don’t keep the soil too wet. 
Trim rosemary back weekly once established and use the fresh clippings right away. Trimming 2 or 3 inches at a time will actually help ensure healthy new growth and contribute to a full plant.
Rosemary infused oil is delicious when drizzled over potatoes or roasted veggies. Simply add a few stalks to your oil bottle and let it sit. Cursos Cosmética Natural Málaga Talleres Jabones Naturales Málaga
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100 días en el CAMPO #MEVOYALCAMPO

100 días en el CAMPO #MEVOYALCAMPO

Los primeros 100 días en un pueblecito de la sierra de Madrid. ¡Todo bien! Cursos que imparto que te pueden gustar:
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domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

The Ancient Tibetan Garlic Cure You Need To Know

The Ancient Tibetan Garlic Cure You Need To Know

We all know that there are many ways of treating diseases and losing weight in a healthy way, with natural ingredients. And that's the case of the recipe we will teach you today: Tibetan garlic cure! Have you ever heard of it? The Tibetan garlic cure is an old purifying therapy, a medicinal recipe created by the Buddhist monks from Tibet. And, as the name says, its main ingredient is garlic. Today, much is talked about the benefits of consuming raw garlic daily. We already talked about all the benefits of garlic here on the channel. This recipe is great to show its effect in no time! Do you want to learn this recipe? It's very simple, so write down the ingredients: 350 gr of garlic (if you have organic, even better); ¼ liter of alcohol 70% for internal consumption. To prepare it, start by mashing the garlic. You can also use it sliced, chopped or ground. Put the garlic in an airtight container, together with 250ml of alcohol. Close and let it rest in the fridge for 10 days. After this time, strain the liquid with a fine strainer and put it back in the fridge for another three days. After that, you can start using the tincture. To measure the drops, use a pipette and keep it in the fridge. To consume it, see the instructions here: It's important to drink the recommended amount of drops mixed with a little bit of water, 20 minutes before the main three daily meals. As you begin the purifying cure, you may experience some symptoms, such as headaches and skin rashes because of the detoxifying process. These symptoms are not uncommon in the first days. Besides that, make sure to drink plenty of water in between meals. This treatment is not recommended for people who suffer from ulcers or those who are taking anticoagulants. Sources: ---------------------------------------- For more information and references, check the article on our blog: Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Talleres Cosmética Natural Málaga Cursos Jabones Naturales Málaga
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jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

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miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

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martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

No lo tomes por mucho tiempo porque elimina el dolor de codo de tenista, Cúrcuma para el dolor

No lo tomes por mucho tiempo porque elimina el dolor de codo de tenista, Cúrcuma para el dolor

No lo tomes por mucho tiempo porque elimina el dolor de codo de tenista, Cúrcuma para el dolor. Cúrcuma La cúrcuma es una de las especias antiinflamatorias que pueden apoyar el tratamiento del dolor causado por el codo de tenista. En primer lugar, nos referimos a la cúrcuma, un remedio natural ancestral que cada vez se recomienda más para diferentes afecciones que causan dolor e inflamación. Esto se debe a las propiedades curativas de su principio activo, la curcumina, la cual también tiene propiedades antioxidantes, hepatoprotectoras e, incluso, anticancerígenas. Podemos consumir la cúrcuma a modo de especia en cualquier tipo de recetas, tanto dulces como saladas. Además, es excelente como colorante natural. No obstante, como tratamiento será más efectivo el suplemento de curcumina, que en algunos casos va combinada con pimienta negra para potenciar su efecto terapéutico. Además, también podemos preparar la deliciosa y saludable leche dorada. Los ingredientes básicos son la leche (de vaca o vegetal) y la cúrcuma. No obstante, también le podemos añadir otras especias (canela, cardamomo, jengibre, comino, etc.) y endulzarla con miel de abeja. Es una bebida muy energética y reconfortante, ideal para los días fríos. Jengibre En segundo lugar nos referimos a otra especia de la misma familia que la cúrcuma, el jengibre. El rizoma de esta planta destaca como antiinflamatorio natural y de hecho se ha usado en la medicina asiática con este fin desde la antigüedad. Podemos combinar el consumo de jengibre fresco (en jugos, infusiones, ensaladas, etc) con la aplicación tópica de su aceite. Si usamos aceite esencial de jengibre, deberemos diluirlo en otro aceite base, por ejemplo de oliva, de coco o de almendra. Sentiremos que aporta mucho calor y, si lo aplicamos con constancia, también alivio del dolor. Uña de gato Según la Artritis Fundation puede ser eficaz en la inflamación de la artritis. Esta planta contiene sustancias activas que ayudan a paliar el dolor. Además, es antiinflamatoria. En tercer lugar, la uña de gato es el nombre que recibe la planta Uncaria tomentosa. Originaria de la zona amazónica, cada vez asombra más por sus beneficios, entre los que destacan virtudes antiinflamatorias y antitumorales. Al reducir la inflamación, también produce un alivio del dolor que causa el codo de tenista. La mejor manera de tomar la uña de gato es en forma de suplemento. De este modo podremos controlar la dosis. Además, esta planta medicinal también tiene propiedades antioxidantes, cicatrizantes, antimicrobianas y antivirales, entre otras. Ahora ya conocemos algunas plantas medicinales efectivas para tratar el codo de tenista de manera natural, mediante bebida y suplementos. Si las consumimos y alternamos de manera habitual podemos notar una mejoría en el dolor y la inflamación que causa esta afección. No obstante, nunca debemos dejar de lado el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico personalizado. Si tienes tus propias plantas para tratar el codo de tenista, compártelos en los comentarios, no te olvides de darle a este video un me gusta, compártelo con tus amigos y haz clic en suscribirse para ver más videos como este. Suscribete Al Canal AQUÍ ➜ Suscribete ✔ Comparte ✔ Comenta ✔ Síguenos en las redes sociales:
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